Source code for oscar.apps.address.abstract_models

import re
import zlib

from django.conf import settings
from django.core import exceptions
from django.db import models
from django.utils.translation import gettext_lazy as _
from django.utils.translation import pgettext_lazy
from phonenumber_field.modelfields import PhoneNumberField

from oscar.core.compat import AUTH_USER_MODEL
from oscar.models.fields import UppercaseCharField

[docs]class AbstractAddress(models.Model): """ Superclass address object This is subclassed and extended to provide models for user, shipping and billing addresses. """ MR, MISS, MRS, MS, DR = ('Mr', 'Miss', 'Mrs', 'Ms', 'Dr') TITLE_CHOICES = ( (MR, _("Mr")), (MISS, _("Miss")), (MRS, _("Mrs")), (MS, _("Ms")), (DR, _("Dr")), ) POSTCODE_REQUIRED = 'postcode' in settings.OSCAR_REQUIRED_ADDRESS_FIELDS # Regex for each country. Not listed countries don't use postcodes # Based on POSTCODES_REGEX = { 'AC': r'^[A-Z]{4}[0-9][A-Z]$', 'AD': r'^AD[0-9]{3}$', 'AF': r'^[0-9]{4}$', 'AI': r'^AI-2640$', 'AL': r'^[0-9]{4}$', 'AM': r'^[0-9]{4}$', 'AR': r'^([0-9]{4}|[A-Z][0-9]{4}[A-Z]{3})$', 'AS': r'^[0-9]{5}(-[0-9]{4}|-[0-9]{6})?$', 'AT': r'^[0-9]{4}$', 'AU': r'^[0-9]{4}$', 'AX': r'^[0-9]{5}$', 'AZ': r'^AZ[0-9]{4}$', 'BA': r'^[0-9]{5}$', 'BB': r'^BB[0-9]{5}$', 'BD': r'^[0-9]{4}$', 'BE': r'^[0-9]{4}$', 'BG': r'^[0-9]{4}$', 'BH': r'^[0-9]{3,4}$', 'BL': r'^[0-9]{5}$', 'BM': r'^[A-Z]{2}([0-9]{2}|[A-Z]{2})', 'BN': r'^[A-Z]{2}[0-9]{4}$', 'BO': r'^[0-9]{4}$', 'BR': r'^[0-9]{5}(-[0-9]{3})?$', 'BT': r'^[0-9]{3}$', 'BY': r'^[0-9]{6}$', 'CA': r'^[A-Z][0-9][A-Z][0-9][A-Z][0-9]$', 'CC': r'^[0-9]{4}$', 'CH': r'^[0-9]{4}$', 'CL': r'^([0-9]{7}|[0-9]{3}-[0-9]{4})$', 'CN': r'^[0-9]{6}$', 'CO': r'^[0-9]{6}$', 'CR': r'^[0-9]{4,5}$', 'CU': r'^[0-9]{5}$', 'CV': r'^[0-9]{4}$', 'CX': r'^[0-9]{4}$', 'CY': r'^[0-9]{4}$', 'CZ': r'^[0-9]{5}$', 'DE': r'^[0-9]{5}$', 'DK': r'^[0-9]{4}$', 'DO': r'^[0-9]{5}$', 'DZ': r'^[0-9]{5}$', 'EC': r'^EC[0-9]{6}$', 'EE': r'^[0-9]{5}$', 'EG': r'^[0-9]{5}$', 'ES': r'^[0-9]{5}$', 'ET': r'^[0-9]{4}$', 'FI': r'^[0-9]{5}$', 'FK': r'^[A-Z]{4}[0-9][A-Z]{2}$', 'FM': r'^[0-9]{5}(-[0-9]{4})?$', 'FO': r'^[0-9]{3}$', 'FR': r'^[0-9]{5}$', 'GA': r'^[0-9]{2}.*[0-9]{2}$', 'GB': r'^[A-Z][A-Z0-9]{1,3}[0-9][A-Z]{2}$', 'GE': r'^[0-9]{4}$', 'GF': r'^[0-9]{5}$', 'GG': r'^([A-Z]{2}[0-9]{2,3}[A-Z]{2})$', 'GI': r'^GX111AA$', 'GL': r'^[0-9]{4}$', 'GP': r'^[0-9]{5}$', 'GR': r'^[0-9]{5}$', 'GS': r'^SIQQ1ZZ$', 'GT': r'^[0-9]{5}$', 'GU': r'^[0-9]{5}$', 'GW': r'^[0-9]{4}$', 'HM': r'^[0-9]{4}$', 'HN': r'^[0-9]{5}$', 'HR': r'^[0-9]{5}$', 'HT': r'^[0-9]{4}$', 'HU': r'^[0-9]{4}$', 'ID': r'^[0-9]{5}$', 'IL': r'^[0-9]{7}$', 'IM': r'^IM[0-9]{2,3}[A-Z]{2}$$', 'IN': r'^[0-9]{6}$', 'IO': r'^[A-Z]{4}[0-9][A-Z]{2}$', 'IQ': r'^[0-9]{5}$', 'IR': r'^[0-9]{5}-[0-9]{5}$', 'IS': r'^[0-9]{3}$', 'IT': r'^[0-9]{5}$', 'JE': r'^JE[0-9]{2}[A-Z]{2}$', 'JM': r'^JM[A-Z]{3}[0-9]{2}$', 'JO': r'^[0-9]{5}$', 'JP': r'^[0-9]{3}-?[0-9]{4}$', 'KE': r'^[0-9]{5}$', 'KG': r'^[0-9]{6}$', 'KH': r'^[0-9]{5}$', 'KR': r'^[0-9]{5}$', 'KY': r'^KY[0-9]-[0-9]{4}$', 'KZ': r'^[0-9]{6}$', 'LA': r'^[0-9]{5}$', 'LB': r'^[0-9]{8}$', 'LI': r'^[0-9]{4}$', 'LK': r'^[0-9]{5}$', 'LR': r'^[0-9]{4}$', 'LS': r'^[0-9]{3}$', 'LT': r'^(LT-)?[0-9]{5}$', 'LU': r'^[0-9]{4}$', 'LV': r'^LV-[0-9]{4}$', 'LY': r'^[0-9]{5}$', 'MA': r'^[0-9]{5}$', 'MC': r'^980[0-9]{2}$', 'MD': r'^MD-?[0-9]{4}$', 'ME': r'^[0-9]{5}$', 'MF': r'^[0-9]{5}$', 'MG': r'^[0-9]{3}$', 'MH': r'^[0-9]{5}$', 'MK': r'^[0-9]{4}$', 'MM': r'^[0-9]{5}$', 'MN': r'^[0-9]{5}$', 'MP': r'^[0-9]{5}$', 'MQ': r'^[0-9]{5}$', 'MT': r'^[A-Z]{3}[0-9]{4}$', 'MV': r'^[0-9]{4,5}$', 'MX': r'^[0-9]{5}$', 'MY': r'^[0-9]{5}$', 'MZ': r'^[0-9]{4}$', 'NA': r'^[0-9]{5}$', 'NC': r'^[0-9]{5}$', 'NE': r'^[0-9]{4}$', 'NF': r'^[0-9]{4}$', 'NG': r'^[0-9]{6}$', 'NI': r'^[0-9]{5}$', 'NL': r'^[0-9]{4}[A-Z]{2}$', 'NO': r'^[0-9]{4}$', 'NP': r'^[0-9]{5}$', 'NZ': r'^[0-9]{4}$', 'OM': r'^[0-9]{3}$', 'PA': r'^[0-9]{6}$', 'PE': r'^[0-9]{5}$', 'PF': r'^[0-9]{5}$', 'PG': r'^[0-9]{3}$', 'PH': r'^[0-9]{4}$', 'PK': r'^[0-9]{5}$', 'PL': r'^[0-9]{2}-?[0-9]{3}$', 'PM': r'^[0-9]{5}$', 'PN': r'^[A-Z]{4}[0-9][A-Z]{2}$', 'PR': r'^[0-9]{5}$', 'PT': r'^[0-9]{4}(-?[0-9]{3})?$', 'PW': r'^[0-9]{5}$', 'PY': r'^[0-9]{4}$', 'RE': r'^[0-9]{5}$', 'RO': r'^[0-9]{6}$', 'RS': r'^[0-9]{5}$', 'RU': r'^[0-9]{6}$', 'SA': r'^[0-9]{5}$', 'SD': r'^[0-9]{5}$', 'SE': r'^[0-9]{5}$', 'SG': r'^([0-9]{2}|[0-9]{4}|[0-9]{6})$', 'SH': r'^(STHL1ZZ|TDCU1ZZ)$', 'SI': r'^(SI-)?[0-9]{4}$', 'SK': r'^[0-9]{5}$', 'SM': r'^[0-9]{5}$', 'SN': r'^[0-9]{5}$', 'SV': r'^01101$', 'SZ': r'^[A-Z][0-9]{3}$', 'TC': r'^TKCA1ZZ$', 'TD': r'^[0-9]{5}$', 'TH': r'^[0-9]{5}$', 'TJ': r'^[0-9]{6}$', 'TM': r'^[0-9]{6}$', 'TN': r'^[0-9]{4}$', 'TR': r'^[0-9]{5}$', 'TT': r'^[0-9]{6}$', 'TW': r'^([0-9]{3}|[0-9]{5})$', 'UA': r'^[0-9]{5}$', 'US': r'^[0-9]{5}(-[0-9]{4}|-[0-9]{6})?$', 'UY': r'^[0-9]{5}$', 'UZ': r'^[0-9]{6}$', 'VA': r'^00120$', 'VC': r'^VC[0-9]{4}', 'VE': r'^[0-9]{4}[A-Z]?$', 'VG': r'^VG[0-9]{4}$', 'VI': r'^[0-9]{5}$', 'VN': r'^[0-9]{6}$', 'WF': r'^[0-9]{5}$', 'XK': r'^[0-9]{5}$', 'YT': r'^[0-9]{5}$', 'ZA': r'^[0-9]{4}$', 'ZM': r'^[0-9]{5}$', } title = models.CharField( pgettext_lazy("Treatment Pronouns for the customer", "Title"), max_length=64, choices=TITLE_CHOICES, blank=True) first_name = models.CharField(_("First name"), max_length=255, blank=True) last_name = models.CharField(_("Last name"), max_length=255, blank=True) # We use quite a few lines of an address as they are often quite long and # it's easier to just hide the unnecessary ones than add extra ones. line1 = models.CharField(_("First line of address"), max_length=255) line2 = models.CharField( _("Second line of address"), max_length=255, blank=True) line3 = models.CharField( _("Third line of address"), max_length=255, blank=True) line4 = models.CharField(_("City"), max_length=255, blank=True) state = models.CharField(_("State/County"), max_length=255, blank=True) postcode = UppercaseCharField( _("Post/Zip-code"), max_length=64, blank=True) country = models.ForeignKey( 'address.Country', on_delete=models.CASCADE, verbose_name=_("Country")) #: A field only used for searching addresses - this contains all the #: relevant fields. This is effectively a poor man's Solr text field. search_text = models.TextField( _("Search text - used only for searching addresses"), editable=False) # Fields, used for `summary` property definition and hash generation. base_fields = hash_fields = ['salutation', 'line1', 'line2', 'line3', 'line4', 'state', 'postcode', 'country'] def __str__(self): return self.summary class Meta: abstract = True verbose_name = _('Address') verbose_name_plural = _('Addresses') # Saving
[docs] def save(self, *args, **kwargs): self._update_search_text() super().save(*args, **kwargs)
[docs] def clean(self): # Strip all whitespace for field in ['first_name', 'last_name', 'line1', 'line2', 'line3', 'line4', 'state', 'postcode']: if self.__dict__[field]: self.__dict__[field] = self.__dict__[field].strip() # Ensure postcodes are valid for country self.ensure_postcode_is_valid_for_country()
[docs] def ensure_postcode_is_valid_for_country(self): """ Validate postcode given the country """ if not self.postcode and self.POSTCODE_REQUIRED and self.country_id: country_code = regex = self.POSTCODES_REGEX.get(country_code, None) if regex: msg = _("Addresses in %(country)s require a valid postcode") \ % {'country':} raise exceptions.ValidationError(msg) if self.postcode and self.country_id: # Ensure postcodes are always uppercase postcode = self.postcode.upper().replace(' ', '') country_code = regex = self.POSTCODES_REGEX.get(country_code, None) # Validate postcode against regex for the country if available if regex and not re.match(regex, postcode): msg = _("The postcode '%(postcode)s' is not valid " "for %(country)s") \ % {'postcode': self.postcode, 'country':} raise exceptions.ValidationError( {'postcode': [msg]})
def _update_search_text(self): search_fields = filter( bool, [self.first_name, self.last_name, self.line1, self.line2, self.line3, self.line4, self.state, self.postcode,]) self.search_text = ' '.join(search_fields) # Properties @property def city(self): # Common alias return self.line4 @property def summary(self): """ Returns a single string summary of the address, separating fields using commas. """ return ", ".join(self.active_address_fields()) @property def salutation(self): """ Name (including title) """ return self.join_fields( ('title', 'first_name', 'last_name'), separator=" ") @property def name(self): return self.join_fields(('first_name', 'last_name'), separator=" ") # Helpers def get_field_values(self, fields): field_values = [] for field in fields: # Title is special case if field == 'title': value = self.get_title_display() elif field == 'country': try: value = except exceptions.ObjectDoesNotExist: value = '' elif field == 'salutation': value = self.salutation else: value = getattr(self, field) field_values.append(value) return field_values
[docs] def get_address_field_values(self, fields): """ Returns set of field values within the salutation and country. """ field_values = [f.strip() for f in self.get_field_values(fields) if f] return field_values
[docs] def generate_hash(self): """ Returns a hash of the address, based on standard set of fields, listed out in `hash_fields` property. """ field_values = self.get_address_field_values(self.hash_fields) # Python 2 and 3 generates CRC checksum in different ranges, so # in order to generate platform-independent value we apply # `& 0xffffffff` expression. return zlib.crc32(', '.join(field_values).upper().encode('UTF8')) & 0xffffffff
[docs] def join_fields(self, fields, separator=", "): """ Join a sequence of fields using the specified separator """ field_values = self.get_field_values(fields) return separator.join(filter(bool, field_values))
[docs] def populate_alternative_model(self, address_model): """ For populating an address model using the matching fields from this one. This is used to convert a user address to a shipping address as part of the checkout process. """ destination_field_names = [ for field in address_model._meta.fields] for field_name in [ for field in self._meta.fields]: if field_name in destination_field_names and field_name != 'id': setattr(address_model, field_name, getattr(self, field_name))
[docs] def active_address_fields(self): """ Returns the non-empty components of the address, but merging the title, first_name and last_name into a single line. It uses fields listed out in `base_fields` property. """ return self.get_address_field_values(self.base_fields)
[docs]class AbstractCountry(models.Model): """ `ISO 3166 Country Codes <>`_ The field names are a bit awkward, but kept for backwards compatibility. pycountry's syntax of alpha2, alpha3, name and official_name seems sane. """ iso_3166_1_a2 = models.CharField( _('ISO 3166-1 alpha-2'), max_length=2, primary_key=True) iso_3166_1_a3 = models.CharField( _('ISO 3166-1 alpha-3'), max_length=3, blank=True) iso_3166_1_numeric = models.CharField( _('ISO 3166-1 numeric'), blank=True, max_length=3) #: The commonly used name; e.g. 'United Kingdom' printable_name = models.CharField(_('Country name'), max_length=128, db_index=True) #: The full official name of a country #: e.g. 'United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland' name = models.CharField(_('Official name'), max_length=128) display_order = models.PositiveSmallIntegerField( _("Display order"), default=0, db_index=True, help_text=_('Higher the number, higher the country in the list.')) is_shipping_country = models.BooleanField( _("Is shipping country"), default=False, db_index=True) class Meta: abstract = True app_label = 'address' verbose_name = _('Country') verbose_name_plural = _('Countries') ordering = ('-display_order', 'printable_name',) def __str__(self): return self.printable_name or @property def code(self): """ Shorthand for the ISO 3166 Alpha-2 code """ return self.iso_3166_1_a2 @property def numeric_code(self): """ Shorthand for the ISO 3166 numeric code. :py:attr:`.iso_3166_1_numeric` used to wrongly be a integer field, but has to be padded with leading zeroes. It's since been converted to a char field, but the database might still contain non-padded strings. That's why the padding is kept. """ return "%.03d" % int(self.iso_3166_1_numeric)
[docs]class AbstractShippingAddress(AbstractAddress): """ A shipping address. A shipping address should not be edited once the order has been placed - it should be read-only after that. NOTE: ShippingAddress is a model of the order app. But moving it there is tricky due to circular import issues that are amplified by get_model/get_class calls pre-Django 1.7 to register receivers. So... TODO: Once Django 1.6 support is dropped, move AbstractBillingAddress and AbstractShippingAddress to the order app, and move PartnerAddress to the partner app. """ phone_number = PhoneNumberField( _("Phone number"), blank=True, help_text=_("In case we need to call you about your order")) notes = models.TextField( blank=True, verbose_name=_('Instructions'), help_text=_("Tell us anything we should know when delivering " "your order.")) class Meta: abstract = True # ShippingAddress is registered in order/ app_label = 'order' verbose_name = _("Shipping address") verbose_name_plural = _("Shipping addresses") @property def order(self): """ Return the order linked to this shipping address """ try: return self.order_set.all()[0] except IndexError: return None
[docs]class AbstractUserAddress(AbstractShippingAddress): """ A user's address. A user can have many of these and together they form an 'address book' of sorts for the user. We use a separate model for shipping and billing (even though there will be some data duplication) because we don't want shipping/billing addresses changed or deleted once an order has been placed. By having a separate model, we allow users the ability to add/edit/delete from their address book without affecting orders already placed. """ user = models.ForeignKey( AUTH_USER_MODEL, on_delete=models.CASCADE, related_name='addresses', verbose_name=_("User")) #: Whether this address is the default for shipping is_default_for_shipping = models.BooleanField( _("Default shipping address?"), default=False) #: Whether this address should be the default for billing. is_default_for_billing = models.BooleanField( _("Default billing address?"), default=False) #: We keep track of the number of times an address has been used #: as a shipping address so we can show the most popular ones #: first at the checkout. num_orders_as_shipping_address = models.PositiveIntegerField( _("Number of Orders as Shipping Address"), default=0) #: Same as previous, but for billing address. num_orders_as_billing_address = models.PositiveIntegerField( _("Number of Orders as Billing Address"), default=0) #: A hash is kept to try and avoid duplicate addresses being added #: to the address book. hash = models.CharField(_("Address Hash"), max_length=255, db_index=True, editable=False) date_created = models.DateTimeField(_("Date Created"), auto_now_add=True)
[docs] def save(self, *args, **kwargs): """ Save a hash of the address fields """ # Save a hash of the address fields so we can check whether two # addresses are the same to avoid saving duplicates self.hash = self.generate_hash() # Ensure that each user only has one default shipping address # and billing address self._ensure_defaults_integrity() super().save(*args, **kwargs)
def _ensure_defaults_integrity(self): if self.is_default_for_shipping: self.__class__._default_manager\ .filter(user=self.user, is_default_for_shipping=True)\ .update(is_default_for_shipping=False) if self.is_default_for_billing: self.__class__._default_manager\ .filter(user=self.user, is_default_for_billing=True)\ .update(is_default_for_billing=False) class Meta: abstract = True app_label = 'address' verbose_name = _("User address") verbose_name_plural = _("User addresses") ordering = ['-num_orders_as_shipping_address'] unique_together = ('user', 'hash')
[docs] def validate_unique(self, exclude=None): super().validate_unique(exclude) qs = self.__class__.objects.filter( user=self.user, hash=self.generate_hash()) if qs = qs.exclude( if qs.exists(): raise exceptions.ValidationError({ '__all__': [_("This address is already in your address" " book")]})
[docs]class AbstractBillingAddress(AbstractAddress): class Meta: abstract = True # BillingAddress is registered in order/ app_label = 'order' verbose_name = _("Billing address") verbose_name_plural = _("Billing addresses") @property def order(self): """ Return the order linked to this shipping address """ try: return self.order_set.all()[0] except IndexError: return None
[docs]class AbstractPartnerAddress(AbstractAddress): """ A partner can have one or more addresses. This can be useful e.g. when determining US tax which depends on the origin of the shipment. """ partner = models.ForeignKey( 'partner.Partner', on_delete=models.CASCADE, related_name='addresses', verbose_name=_('Partner')) class Meta: abstract = True app_label = 'partner' verbose_name = _("Partner address") verbose_name_plural = _("Partner addresses")