Source code for oscar.apps.offer.abstract_models

import csv
import operator
from decimal import ROUND_DOWN
from decimal import Decimal as D

from django.conf import settings
from django.core import exceptions
from django.db import models
from django.db.models import Exists, OuterRef
from django.db.models.query import Q
from django.template.defaultfilters import date as date_filter
from django.urls import reverse
from django.utils.functional import cached_property
from django.utils.timezone import get_current_timezone, now
from django.utils.translation import gettext_lazy as _

from oscar.core.compat import AUTH_USER_MODEL
from oscar.core.loading import (
    cached_import_string, get_class, get_classes, get_model)
from oscar.models import fields
from oscar.templatetags.currency_filters import currency

ActiveOfferManager, RangeManager, BrowsableRangeManager \
    = get_classes('offer.managers', ['ActiveOfferManager', 'RangeManager', 'BrowsableRangeManager'])
ZERO_DISCOUNT = get_class('offer.results', 'ZERO_DISCOUNT')
load_proxy, unit_price = get_classes('offer.utils', ['load_proxy', 'unit_price'])

class BaseOfferMixin(models.Model):
    class Meta:
        abstract = True

    def proxy(self):
        Return the proxy model
        klassmap = self.proxy_map
        # Short-circuit logic if current class is already a proxy class.
        if self.__class__ in klassmap.values():
            return self

        field_dict = dict(self.__dict__)
        for field in list(field_dict.keys()):
            if field.startswith('_'):
                del field_dict[field]

        if self.proxy_class:
            klass = load_proxy(self.proxy_class)
            # Short-circuit again.
            if self.__class__ == klass:
                return self
            return klass(**field_dict)
        if self.type in klassmap:
            return klassmap[self.type](**field_dict)
        raise RuntimeError("Unrecognised %s type (%s)" % (self.__class__.__name__.lower(), self.type))

    def __str__(self):

    def name(self):
        A text description of the benefit/condition. Every proxy class
        has to implement it.

        This is used in the dropdowns within the offer dashboard.
        proxy_instance = self.proxy()
        if self.proxy_class and self.__class__ == proxy_instance.__class__:
            raise AssertionError('Name property is not defined on proxy class.')

    def description(self):
        A description of the benefit/condition.
        Defaults to the name. May contain HTML.

[docs]class AbstractConditionalOffer(models.Model): """ A conditional offer (e.g. buy 1, get 10% off) """ name = models.CharField( _("Name"), max_length=128, unique=True, help_text=_("This is displayed within the customer's basket")) slug = fields.AutoSlugField( _("Slug"), max_length=128, unique=True, populate_from='name') description = models.TextField(_("Description"), blank=True, help_text=_("This is displayed on the offer" " browsing page")) # Offers come in a few different types: # (a) Offers that are available to all customers on the site. e.g. a # 3-for-2 offer. # (b) Offers that are linked to a voucher, and only become available once # that voucher has been applied to the basket # (c) Offers that are linked to a user. e.g. all students get 10% off. The # code to apply this offer needs to be coded # (d) Session offers - these are temporarily available to a user after some # trigger event. e.g. users coming from some affiliate site get 10% # off. SITE, VOUCHER, USER, SESSION = ("Site", "Voucher", "User", "Session") TYPE_CHOICES = ( (SITE, _("Site offer - available to all users")), (VOUCHER, _("Voucher offer - only available after entering " "the appropriate voucher code")), (USER, _("User offer - available to certain types of user")), (SESSION, _("Session offer - temporary offer, available for " "a user for the duration of their session")), ) offer_type = models.CharField( _("Type"), choices=TYPE_CHOICES, default=SITE, max_length=128) exclusive = models.BooleanField( _("Exclusive offer"), help_text=_("Exclusive offers cannot be combined on the same items"), default=True ) # We track a status variable so it's easier to load offers that are # 'available' in some sense. OPEN, SUSPENDED, CONSUMED = "Open", "Suspended", "Consumed" status = models.CharField(_("Status"), max_length=64, default=OPEN) condition = models.ForeignKey( 'offer.Condition', on_delete=models.CASCADE, related_name='offers', verbose_name=_("Condition")) benefit = models.ForeignKey( 'offer.Benefit', on_delete=models.CASCADE, related_name='offers', verbose_name=_("Benefit")) # Some complicated situations require offers to be applied in a set order. priority = models.IntegerField( _("Priority"), default=0, db_index=True, help_text=_("The highest priority offers are applied first")) # AVAILABILITY # Range of availability. Note that if this is a voucher offer, then these # dates are ignored and only the dates from the voucher are used to # determine availability. start_datetime = models.DateTimeField( _("Start date"), blank=True, null=True, help_text=_("Offers are active from the start date. " "Leave this empty if the offer has no start date.")) end_datetime = models.DateTimeField( _("End date"), blank=True, null=True, help_text=_("Offers are active until the end date. " "Leave this empty if the offer has no expiry date.")) # Use this field to limit the number of times this offer can be applied in # total. Note that a single order can apply an offer multiple times so # this is not necessarily the same as the number of orders that can use it. # Also see max_basket_applications. max_global_applications = models.PositiveIntegerField( _("Max global applications"), help_text=_("The number of times this offer can be used before it " "is unavailable"), blank=True, null=True) # Use this field to limit the number of times this offer can be used by a # single user. This only works for signed-in users - it doesn't really # make sense for sites that allow anonymous checkout. max_user_applications = models.PositiveIntegerField( _("Max user applications"), help_text=_("The number of times a single user can use this offer"), blank=True, null=True) # Use this field to limit the number of times this offer can be applied to # a basket (and hence a single order). Often, an offer should only be # usable once per basket/order, so this field will commonly be set to 1. max_basket_applications = models.PositiveIntegerField( _("Max basket applications"), blank=True, null=True, help_text=_("The number of times this offer can be applied to a " "basket (and order)")) # Use this field to limit the amount of discount an offer can lead to. # This can be helpful with budgeting. max_discount = models.DecimalField( _("Max discount"), decimal_places=2, max_digits=12, null=True, blank=True, help_text=_("When an offer has given more discount to orders " "than this threshold, then the offer becomes " "unavailable")) # TRACKING # These fields are used to enforce the limits set by the # max_* fields above. total_discount = models.DecimalField( _("Total Discount"), decimal_places=2, max_digits=12, default=D('0.00')) num_applications = models.PositiveIntegerField( _("Number of applications"), default=0) num_orders = models.PositiveIntegerField( _("Number of Orders"), default=0) redirect_url = fields.ExtendedURLField( _("URL redirect (optional)"), blank=True) date_created = models.DateTimeField(_("Date Created"), auto_now_add=True) objects = models.Manager() active = ActiveOfferManager() # We need to track the voucher that this offer came from (if it is a # voucher offer) _voucher = None class Meta: abstract = True app_label = 'offer' ordering = ['-priority', 'pk'] verbose_name = _("Conditional offer") verbose_name_plural = _("Conditional offers")
[docs] def save(self, *args, **kwargs): # Check to see if consumption thresholds have been broken if not self.is_suspended: if self.get_max_applications() == 0: self.status = self.CONSUMED else: self.status = self.OPEN return super().save(*args, **kwargs)
def get_absolute_url(self): return reverse('offer:detail', kwargs={'slug': self.slug}) def __str__(self): return
[docs] def clean(self): if (self.start_datetime and self.end_datetime and self.start_datetime > self.end_datetime): raise exceptions.ValidationError( _('End date should be later than start date'))
@property def is_open(self): return self.status == self.OPEN @property def is_suspended(self): return self.status == self.SUSPENDED def suspend(self): self.status = self.SUSPENDED suspend.alters_data = True def unsuspend(self): self.status = self.OPEN unsuspend.alters_data = True
[docs] def is_available(self, user=None, test_date=None): """ Test whether this offer is available to be used """ if self.is_suspended: return False if test_date is None: test_date = now() predicates = [] if self.start_datetime: predicates.append(self.start_datetime > test_date) if self.end_datetime: predicates.append(test_date > self.end_datetime) if any(predicates): return False return self.get_max_applications(user) > 0
def is_condition_satisfied(self, basket): return self.condition.proxy().is_satisfied(self, basket) def is_condition_partially_satisfied(self, basket): return self.condition.proxy().is_partially_satisfied(self, basket) def get_upsell_message(self, basket): return self.condition.proxy().get_upsell_message(self, basket)
[docs] def apply_benefit(self, basket): """ Applies the benefit to the given basket and returns the discount. """ if not self.is_condition_satisfied(basket): return ZERO_DISCOUNT return self.benefit.proxy().apply( basket, self.condition.proxy(), self)
[docs] def apply_deferred_benefit(self, basket, order, application): """ Applies any deferred benefits. These are things like adding loyalty points to someone's account. """ return self.benefit.proxy().apply_deferred(basket, order, application)
def set_voucher(self, voucher): self._voucher = voucher def get_voucher(self): return self._voucher
[docs] def get_max_applications(self, user=None): """ Return the number of times this offer can be applied to a basket for a given user. """ if self.max_discount and self.total_discount >= self.max_discount: return 0 # Hard-code a maximum value as we need some sensible upper limit for # when there are not other caps. limits = [10000] if self.max_user_applications and user: limits.append(max(0, self.max_user_applications - self.get_num_user_applications(user))) if self.max_basket_applications: limits.append(self.max_basket_applications) if self.max_global_applications: limits.append( max(0, self.max_global_applications - self.num_applications)) return min(limits)
def get_num_user_applications(self, user): OrderDiscount = get_model('order', 'OrderDiscount') aggregates = OrderDiscount.objects.filter(, order__user=user)\ .aggregate(total=models.Sum('frequency')) return aggregates['total'] if aggregates['total'] is not None else 0 def shipping_discount(self, charge): return self.benefit.proxy().shipping_discount(charge) def record_usage(self, discount): self.num_applications += discount['freq'] self.total_discount += discount['discount'] self.num_orders += 1 record_usage.alters_data = True
[docs] def availability_description(self): """ Return a description of when this offer is available """ restrictions = self.availability_restrictions() descriptions = [r['description'] for r in restrictions] return "<br/>".join(descriptions)
def availability_restrictions(self): # noqa (too complex (15)) restrictions = [] if self.is_suspended: restrictions.append({ 'description': _("Offer is suspended"), 'is_satisfied': False}) if self.max_global_applications: remaining = self.max_global_applications - self.num_applications desc = _("Limited to %(total)d uses (%(remainder)d remaining)") \ % {'total': self.max_global_applications, 'remainder': remaining} restrictions.append({'description': desc, 'is_satisfied': remaining > 0}) if self.max_user_applications: if self.max_user_applications == 1: desc = _("Limited to 1 use per user") else: desc = _("Limited to %(total)d uses per user") \ % {'total': self.max_user_applications} restrictions.append({'description': desc, 'is_satisfied': True}) if self.max_basket_applications: if self.max_user_applications == 1: desc = _("Limited to 1 use per basket") else: desc = _("Limited to %(total)d uses per basket") \ % {'total': self.max_basket_applications} restrictions.append({ 'description': desc, 'is_satisfied': True}) def hide_time_if_zero(dt): # Only show hours/minutes if they have been specified if dt.tzinfo: localtime = dt.astimezone(get_current_timezone()) else: localtime = dt if localtime.hour == 0 and localtime.minute == 0: return date_filter(localtime, settings.DATE_FORMAT) return date_filter(localtime, settings.DATETIME_FORMAT) if self.start_datetime or self.end_datetime: today = now() if self.start_datetime and self.end_datetime: desc = _("Available between %(start)s and %(end)s") \ % {'start': hide_time_if_zero(self.start_datetime), 'end': hide_time_if_zero(self.end_datetime)} is_satisfied \ = self.start_datetime <= today <= self.end_datetime elif self.start_datetime: desc = _("Available from %(start)s") % { 'start': hide_time_if_zero(self.start_datetime)} is_satisfied = today >= self.start_datetime elif self.end_datetime: desc = _("Available until %(end)s") % { 'end': hide_time_if_zero(self.end_datetime)} is_satisfied = today <= self.end_datetime restrictions.append({ 'description': desc, 'is_satisfied': is_satisfied}) if self.max_discount: desc = _("Limited to a cost of %(max)s") % { 'max': currency(self.max_discount)} restrictions.append({ 'description': desc, 'is_satisfied': self.total_discount < self.max_discount}) return restrictions @property def has_products(self): return self.condition.range is not None
[docs] def products(self): """ Return a queryset of products in this offer """ Product = get_model('catalogue', 'Product') if not self.has_products: return Product.objects.none() queryset = self.condition.range.all_products() return queryset.filter(is_discountable=True).exclude( structure=Product.CHILD)
class AbstractBenefit(BaseOfferMixin, models.Model): range = models.ForeignKey( 'offer.Range', blank=True, null=True, on_delete=models.CASCADE, verbose_name=_("Range")) # Benefit types PERCENTAGE, FIXED, MULTIBUY, FIXED_PRICE = ( "Percentage", "Absolute", "Multibuy", "Fixed price") SHIPPING_PERCENTAGE, SHIPPING_ABSOLUTE, SHIPPING_FIXED_PRICE = ( 'Shipping percentage', 'Shipping absolute', 'Shipping fixed price') TYPE_CHOICES = ( (PERCENTAGE, _("Discount is a percentage off of the product's value")), (FIXED, _("Discount is a fixed amount off of the product's value")), (MULTIBUY, _("Discount is to give the cheapest product for free")), (FIXED_PRICE, _("Get the products that meet the condition for a fixed price")), (SHIPPING_ABSOLUTE, _("Discount is a fixed amount of the shipping cost")), (SHIPPING_FIXED_PRICE, _("Get shipping for a fixed price")), (SHIPPING_PERCENTAGE, _("Discount is a percentage off of the shipping" " cost")), ) type = models.CharField( _("Type"), max_length=128, choices=TYPE_CHOICES, blank=True) # The value to use with the designated type. This can be either an integer # (eg for multibuy) or a decimal (eg an amount) which is slightly # confusing. value = fields.PositiveDecimalField( _("Value"), decimal_places=2, max_digits=12, null=True, blank=True) # If this is not set, then there is no upper limit on how many products # can be discounted by this benefit. max_affected_items = models.PositiveIntegerField( _("Max Affected Items"), blank=True, null=True, help_text=_("Set this to prevent the discount consuming all items " "within the range that are in the basket.")) # A custom benefit class can be used instead. This means the # type/value/max_affected_items fields should all be None. proxy_class = fields.NullCharField( _("Custom class"), max_length=255, default=None) class Meta: abstract = True app_label = 'offer' verbose_name = _("Benefit") verbose_name_plural = _("Benefits") @property def proxy_map(self): return { self.PERCENTAGE: get_class( 'offer.benefits', 'PercentageDiscountBenefit'), self.FIXED: get_class( 'offer.benefits', 'AbsoluteDiscountBenefit'), self.MULTIBUY: get_class( 'offer.benefits', 'MultibuyDiscountBenefit'), self.FIXED_PRICE: get_class( 'offer.benefits', 'FixedPriceBenefit'), self.SHIPPING_ABSOLUTE: get_class( 'offer.benefits', 'ShippingAbsoluteDiscountBenefit'), self.SHIPPING_FIXED_PRICE: get_class( 'offer.benefits', 'ShippingFixedPriceBenefit'), self.SHIPPING_PERCENTAGE: get_class( 'offer.benefits', 'ShippingPercentageDiscountBenefit') } def apply(self, basket, condition, offer): return ZERO_DISCOUNT def apply_deferred(self, basket, order, application): return None def clean(self): if not self.type: return method_name = 'clean_%s' % self.type.lower().replace(' ', '_') if hasattr(self, method_name): getattr(self, method_name)() def clean_multibuy(self): errors = [] if not self.range: errors.append(_("Multibuy benefits require a product range")) if self.value: errors.append(_("Multibuy benefits don't require a value")) if self.max_affected_items: errors.append(_("Multibuy benefits don't require a " "'max affected items' attribute")) if errors: raise exceptions.ValidationError(errors) def clean_percentage(self): errors = [] if not self.range: errors.append(_("Percentage benefits require a product range")) if not self.value: errors.append(_("Percentage discount benefits require a value")) elif self.value > 100: errors.append(_("Percentage discount cannot be greater than 100")) if errors: raise exceptions.ValidationError(errors) def clean_shipping_absolute(self): errors = [] if not self.value: errors.append(_("A discount value is required")) if self.range: errors.append(_("No range should be selected as this benefit does " "not apply to products")) if self.max_affected_items: errors.append(_("Shipping discounts don't require a " "'max affected items' attribute")) if errors: raise exceptions.ValidationError(errors) def clean_shipping_percentage(self): errors = [] if not self.value: errors.append(_("Percentage discount benefits require a value")) elif self.value > 100: errors.append(_("Percentage discount cannot be greater than 100")) if self.range: errors.append(_("No range should be selected as this benefit does " "not apply to products")) if self.max_affected_items: errors.append(_("Shipping discounts don't require a " "'max affected items' attribute")) if errors: raise exceptions.ValidationError(errors) def clean_shipping_fixed_price(self): errors = [] if self.range: errors.append(_("No range should be selected as this benefit does " "not apply to products")) if self.max_affected_items: errors.append(_("Shipping discounts don't require a " "'max affected items' attribute")) if errors: raise exceptions.ValidationError(errors) def clean_fixed_price(self): if self.range: raise exceptions.ValidationError( _("No range should be selected as the condition range will " "be used instead.")) def clean_absolute(self): errors = [] if not self.range: errors.append(_("Fixed discount benefits require a product range")) if not self.value: errors.append(_("Fixed discount benefits require a value")) if errors: raise exceptions.ValidationError(errors) def round(self, amount): """ Apply rounding to discount amount """ rounding_function_path = getattr(settings, 'OSCAR_OFFER_ROUNDING_FUNCTION', None) if rounding_function_path: rounding_function = cached_import_string(rounding_function_path) return rounding_function(amount) return amount.quantize(D('.01'), ROUND_DOWN) def _effective_max_affected_items(self): """ Return the maximum number of items that can have a discount applied during the application of this benefit """ return self.max_affected_items if self.max_affected_items else 10000 def can_apply_benefit(self, line): """ Determines whether the benefit can be applied to a given basket line """ return line.stockrecord and line.product.is_discountable def get_applicable_lines(self, offer, basket, range=None): """ Return the basket lines that are available to be discounted :basket: The basket :range: The range of products to use for filtering. The fixed-price benefit ignores its range and uses the condition range """ if range is None: range = self.range line_tuples = [] for line in basket.all_lines(): product = line.product if (not range.contains_product(product) or not self.can_apply_benefit(line)): continue price = unit_price(offer, line) if not price: # Avoid zero price products continue line_tuples.append((price, line)) # We sort lines to be cheapest first to ensure consistent applications return sorted(line_tuples, key=operator.itemgetter(0)) def shipping_discount(self, charge): return D('0.00')
[docs]class AbstractCondition(BaseOfferMixin, models.Model): """ A condition for an offer to be applied. You can either specify a custom proxy class, or need to specify a type, range and value. """ COUNT, VALUE, COVERAGE = ("Count", "Value", "Coverage") TYPE_CHOICES = ( (COUNT, _("Depends on number of items in basket that are in " "condition range")), (VALUE, _("Depends on value of items in basket that are in " "condition range")), (COVERAGE, _("Needs to contain a set number of DISTINCT items " "from the condition range"))) range = models.ForeignKey( 'offer.Range', blank=True, null=True, on_delete=models.CASCADE, verbose_name=_("Range")) type = models.CharField(_('Type'), max_length=128, choices=TYPE_CHOICES, blank=True) value = fields.PositiveDecimalField( _('Value'), decimal_places=2, max_digits=12, null=True, blank=True) proxy_class = fields.NullCharField( _("Custom class"), max_length=255, default=None) class Meta: abstract = True app_label = 'offer' verbose_name = _("Condition") verbose_name_plural = _("Conditions") @property def proxy_map(self): return { self.COUNT: get_class( 'offer.conditions', 'CountCondition'), self.VALUE: get_class( 'offer.conditions', 'ValueCondition'), self.COVERAGE: get_class( 'offer.conditions', 'CoverageCondition'), } def consume_items(self, offer, basket, affected_lines): pass
[docs] def is_satisfied(self, offer, basket): """ Determines whether a given basket meets this condition. This is stubbed in this top-class object. The subclassing proxies are responsible for implementing it correctly. """ return False
[docs] def is_partially_satisfied(self, offer, basket): """ Determine if the basket partially meets the condition. This is useful for up-selling messages to entice customers to buy something more in order to qualify for an offer. """ return False
def get_upsell_message(self, offer, basket): return None
[docs] def can_apply_condition(self, line): """ Determines whether the condition can be applied to a given basket line """ if not line.stockrecord_id: return False product = line.product return (self.range.contains_product(product) and product.get_is_discountable())
[docs] def get_applicable_lines(self, offer, basket, most_expensive_first=True): """ Return line data for the lines that can be consumed by this condition """ line_tuples = [] for line in basket.all_lines(): if not self.can_apply_condition(line): continue price = unit_price(offer, line) if not price: continue line_tuples.append((price, line)) key = operator.itemgetter(0) if most_expensive_first: return sorted(line_tuples, reverse=True, key=key) return sorted(line_tuples, key=key)
[docs]class AbstractRange(models.Model): """ Represents a range of products that can be used within an offer. Ranges only support adding parent or stand-alone products. Offers will consider child products automatically. """ name = models.CharField(_("Name"), max_length=128, unique=True) slug = fields.AutoSlugField( _("Slug"), max_length=128, unique=True, populate_from="name") description = models.TextField(blank=True) # Whether this range is public is_public = models.BooleanField( _('Is public?'), default=False, help_text=_("Public ranges have a customer-facing page")) includes_all_products = models.BooleanField( _('Includes all products?'), default=False) included_products = models.ManyToManyField( 'catalogue.Product', related_name='includes', blank=True, verbose_name=_("Included Products"), through='offer.RangeProduct') excluded_products = models.ManyToManyField( 'catalogue.Product', related_name='excludes', blank=True, verbose_name=_("Excluded Products")) classes = models.ManyToManyField( 'catalogue.ProductClass', related_name='classes', blank=True, verbose_name=_("Product Types")) included_categories = models.ManyToManyField( 'catalogue.Category', related_name='includes', blank=True, verbose_name=_("Included Categories")) # Allow a custom range instance to be specified proxy_class = fields.NullCharField( _("Custom class"), max_length=255, default=None, unique=True) date_created = models.DateTimeField(_("Date Created"), auto_now_add=True) objects = RangeManager() browsable = BrowsableRangeManager() class Meta: abstract = True app_label = 'offer' verbose_name = _("Range") verbose_name_plural = _("Ranges") def __str__(self): return def get_absolute_url(self): return reverse( 'catalogue:range', kwargs={'slug': self.slug}) @cached_property def proxy(self): if self.proxy_class: return load_proxy(self.proxy_class)()
[docs] def add_product(self, product, display_order=None): """ Add product to the range When adding product that is already in the range, prevent re-adding it. If display_order is specified, update it. Default display_order for a new product in the range is 0; this puts the product at the top of the list. """ initial_order = display_order or 0 RangeProduct = self.included_products.through relation, __ = RangeProduct.objects.get_or_create( range=self, product=product, defaults={'display_order': initial_order}) if (display_order is not None and relation.display_order != display_order): relation.display_order = display_order # Remove product from excluded products if it was removed earlier and # re-added again, thus it returns back to the range product list. self.excluded_products.remove(product) # invalidate cache because queryset has changed self.invalidate_cached_queryset()
[docs] def remove_product(self, product): """ Remove product from range. To save on queries, this function does not check if the product is in fact in the range. """ RangeProduct = self.included_products.through RangeProduct.objects.filter(range=self, product=product).delete() # Making sure product will be excluded from range products list by adding to # respective field. Otherwise, it could be included as a product from included # category or etc. self.excluded_products.add(product) # invalidate cache because queryset has changed self.invalidate_cached_queryset()
def contains_product(self, product): if self.proxy: return self.proxy.contains_product(product) return self.product_queryset.filter( def invalidate_cached_queryset(self): try: del self.product_queryset except AttributeError: pass def num_products(self): # Delegate to a proxy class if one is provided if self.proxy: return self.proxy.num_products() if self.includes_all_products: return None return self.all_products().count()
[docs] def all_products(self): """ Return a queryset containing all the products in the range This includes included_products plus the products contained in the included classes and categories, minus the products in excluded_products. """ if self.proxy: return self.proxy.all_products() return self.product_queryset
@cached_property def product_queryset(self): "cached queryset of all the products in the Range" Product = self.included_products.model if self.includes_all_products: # Filter out blacklisted products return Product.objects.all().exclude( id__in=self.excluded_products.values("id") ) Category = self.included_categories.model # build query to select all category subtrees. included_in_subtree = self.included_categories.filter( path__rstartswith=OuterRef("path"), depth__lte=OuterRef("depth") ) category_tree = Category.objects.annotate( is_included_in_subtree=Exists(included_in_subtree.values("id")) ).filter(is_included_in_subtree=True) # select all those product that are selected either by product class, # category, or explicitly by included_products. selected_parents = ( Product.objects.filter( Q(product_class_id__in=self.classes.values("id")) | Q(categories__in=category_tree) ) | self.included_products.all() ) # select parents and their children selected_products = ( selected_parents | Product.objects.filter(parent__in=selected_parents) ) # now go and exclude all explicitly excluded products excludes = self.excluded_products.values("id") return selected_products.exclude( Q(parent_id__in=excludes) | Q(id__in=excludes) ).distinct() @property def is_editable(self): """ Test whether this range can be edited in the dashboard. """ return not self.proxy_class @property def is_reorderable(self): """ Test whether products for the range can be re-ordered. """ return not (self.included_categories.exists() or self.classes.exists())
[docs]class AbstractRangeProduct(models.Model): """ Allow ordering products inside ranges Exists to allow customising. """ range = models.ForeignKey('offer.Range', on_delete=models.CASCADE) product = models.ForeignKey('catalogue.Product', on_delete=models.CASCADE) display_order = models.IntegerField(default=0) class Meta: abstract = True app_label = 'offer' unique_together = ('range', 'product')
class AbstractRangeProductFileUpload(models.Model): range = models.ForeignKey( 'offer.Range', on_delete=models.CASCADE, related_name='file_uploads', verbose_name=_("Range")) filepath = models.CharField(_("File Path"), max_length=255) size = models.PositiveIntegerField(_("Size")) uploaded_by = models.ForeignKey( AUTH_USER_MODEL, on_delete=models.CASCADE, verbose_name=_("Uploaded By")) date_uploaded = models.DateTimeField(_("Date Uploaded"), auto_now_add=True, db_index=True) PENDING, FAILED, PROCESSED = 'Pending', 'Failed', 'Processed' choices = ( (PENDING, PENDING), (FAILED, FAILED), (PROCESSED, PROCESSED), ) status = models.CharField(_("Status"), max_length=32, choices=choices, default=PENDING) error_message = models.CharField(_("Error Message"), max_length=255, blank=True) # Post-processing audit fields date_processed = models.DateTimeField(_("Date Processed"), null=True) num_new_skus = models.PositiveIntegerField(_("Number of New SKUs"), null=True) num_unknown_skus = models.PositiveIntegerField(_("Number of Unknown SKUs"), null=True) num_duplicate_skus = models.PositiveIntegerField( _("Number of Duplicate SKUs"), null=True) class Meta: abstract = True app_label = 'offer' ordering = ('-date_uploaded',) verbose_name = _("Range Product Uploaded File") verbose_name_plural = _("Range Product Uploaded Files") def mark_as_failed(self, message=None): self.date_processed = now() self.error_message = message self.status = self.FAILED def mark_as_processed(self, num_new, num_unknown, num_duplicate): self.status = self.PROCESSED self.date_processed = now() self.num_new_skus = num_new self.num_unknown_skus = num_unknown self.num_duplicate_skus = num_duplicate def was_processing_successful(self): return self.status == self.PROCESSED def process(self, file_obj): """ Process the file upload and add products to the range """ all_ids = set(self.extract_ids(file_obj)) products = self.range.all_products() existing_skus = products.values_list( 'stockrecords__partner_sku', flat=True) existing_skus = set(filter(bool, existing_skus)) existing_upcs = products.values_list('upc', flat=True) existing_upcs = set(filter(bool, existing_upcs)) existing_ids = existing_skus.union(existing_upcs) new_ids = all_ids - existing_ids Product = get_model('catalogue', 'Product') products = Product._default_manager.filter( models.Q(stockrecords__partner_sku__in=new_ids) | models.Q(upc__in=new_ids)) for product in products: self.range.add_product(product) # Processing stats found_skus = products.values_list( 'stockrecords__partner_sku', flat=True) found_skus = set(filter(bool, found_skus)) found_upcs = set(filter(bool, products.values_list('upc', flat=True))) found_ids = found_skus.union(found_upcs) missing_ids = new_ids - found_ids dupes = set(all_ids).intersection(existing_ids) self.mark_as_processed(products.count(), len(missing_ids), len(dupes)) return products def extract_ids(self, file_obj): reader = csv.reader(file_obj) for line in reader: if line: yield line[0]