Source code for oscar.apps.checkout.forms

from django import forms
from django.contrib.auth.forms import AuthenticationForm
from django.utils.translation import gettext_lazy as _

from oscar.apps.customer.utils import normalise_email
from oscar.core.compat import get_user_model
from oscar.core.loading import get_class, get_model
from oscar.forms.mixins import PhoneNumberMixin

User = get_user_model()
AbstractAddressForm = get_class("address.forms", "AbstractAddressForm")
Country = get_model("address", "Country")

[docs]class ShippingAddressForm(PhoneNumberMixin, AbstractAddressForm): def __init__(self, *args, **kwargs): super().__init__(*args, **kwargs) self.adjust_country_field() def adjust_country_field(self): countries = Country._default_manager.filter(is_shipping_country=True) # No need to show country dropdown if there is only one option if len(countries) == 1: self.fields.pop("country", None) = countries[0] else: self.fields["country"].queryset = countries self.fields["country"].empty_label = None class Meta: model = get_model("order", "shippingaddress") fields = [ "first_name", "last_name", "line1", "line2", "line3", "line4", "state", "postcode", "country", "phone_number", "notes", ]
[docs]class ShippingMethodForm(forms.Form): method_code = forms.ChoiceField(widget=forms.HiddenInput) def __init__(self, *args, **kwargs): methods = kwargs.pop("methods", []) super().__init__(*args, **kwargs) self.fields["method_code"].choices = ((m.code, for m in methods)
[docs]class GatewayForm(AuthenticationForm): username = forms.EmailField(label=_("My email address is")) GUEST, NEW, EXISTING = "anonymous", "new", "existing" CHOICES = ( (GUEST, _("I am a new customer and want to checkout as a guest")), ( NEW, _( "I am a new customer and want to create an account " "before checking out" ), ), (EXISTING, _("I am a returning customer, and my password is")), ) options = forms.ChoiceField( widget=forms.widgets.RadioSelect, choices=CHOICES, initial=GUEST ) def clean_username(self): return normalise_email(self.cleaned_data["username"])
[docs] def clean(self): if self.is_guest_checkout() or self.is_new_account_checkout(): if "password" in self.errors: del self.errors["password"] if "username" in self.cleaned_data: email = normalise_email(self.cleaned_data["username"]) if User._default_manager.filter(email__iexact=email).exists(): msg = _("A user with that email address already exists") self._errors["username"] = self.error_class([msg]) # change the value of the 'options' in the submitted data, # which will be used to render the form options_field = self.add_prefix("options") =[options_field] = self.EXISTING return self.cleaned_data return super().clean()
def is_guest_checkout(self): return self.cleaned_data.get("options", None) == self.GUEST def is_new_account_checkout(self): return self.cleaned_data.get("options", None) == self.NEW
# The BillingAddress form is in oscar.apps.payment.forms