from phonenumber_field.phonenumber import PhoneNumber
[docs]class CheckoutSessionData(object):
Responsible for marshalling all the checkout session data
Multi-stage checkouts often require several forms to be submitted and their
data persisted until the final order is placed. This class helps store and
organise checkout form data until it is required to write out the final
SESSION_KEY = "checkout_data"
def __init__(self, request):
self.request = request
if self.SESSION_KEY not in self.request.session:
self.request.session[self.SESSION_KEY] = {}
def _check_namespace(self, namespace):
Ensure a namespace within the session dict is initialised
if namespace not in self.request.session[self.SESSION_KEY]:
self.request.session[self.SESSION_KEY][namespace] = {}
def _get(self, namespace, key, default=None):
Return a value from within a namespace
if key in self.request.session[self.SESSION_KEY][namespace]:
return self.request.session[self.SESSION_KEY][namespace][key]
return default
def _set(self, namespace, key, value):
Set a namespaced value
self.request.session[self.SESSION_KEY][namespace][key] = value
self.request.session.modified = True
def _unset(self, namespace, key):
Remove a namespaced value
if key in self.request.session[self.SESSION_KEY][namespace]:
del self.request.session[self.SESSION_KEY][namespace][key]
self.request.session.modified = True
def _flush_namespace(self, namespace):
Flush a namespace
self.request.session[self.SESSION_KEY][namespace] = {}
self.request.session.modified = True
[docs] def flush(self):
Flush all session data
self.request.session[self.SESSION_KEY] = {}
# Guest checkout
# ==============
def set_guest_email(self, email):
self._set("guest", "email", email)
def get_guest_email(self):
return self._get("guest", "email")
# Shipping address
# ================
# Options:
# 1. No shipping required (eg digital products)
# 2. Ship to new address (entered in a form)
# 3. Ship to an address book address (address chosen from list)
def reset_shipping_data(self):
[docs] def ship_to_user_address(self, address):
Use an user address (from an address book) as the shipping address.
self._set("shipping", "user_address_id",
[docs] def ship_to_new_address(self, address_fields):
Use a manually entered address as the shipping address
self._unset("shipping", "new_address_fields")
phone_number = address_fields.get("phone_number")
if phone_number:
# Phone number is stored as a PhoneNumber instance. As we store
# strings in the session, we need to serialize it.
address_fields = address_fields.copy()
address_fields["phone_number"] = phone_number.as_international
self._set("shipping", "new_address_fields", address_fields)
[docs] def new_shipping_address_fields(self):
Return shipping address fields
return self._get("shipping", "new_address_fields")
[docs] def shipping_user_address_id(self):
Return user address id
return self._get("shipping", "user_address_id")
# Legacy accessor
user_address_id = shipping_user_address_id
[docs] def is_shipping_address_set(self):
Test whether a shipping address has been stored in the session.
This can be from a new address or re-using an existing address.
new_fields = self.new_shipping_address_fields()
has_new_address = new_fields is not None
user_address_id = self.shipping_user_address_id()
has_old_address = user_address_id is not None and user_address_id > 0
return has_new_address or has_old_address
# Shipping method
# ===============
[docs] def use_free_shipping(self):
Set "free shipping" code to session
self._set("shipping", "method_code", "__free__")
[docs] def use_shipping_method(self, code):
Set shipping method code to session
self._set("shipping", "method_code", code)
# pylint: disable=unused-argument
[docs] def shipping_method_code(self, basket):
Return the shipping method code
return self._get("shipping", "method_code")
[docs] def is_shipping_method_set(self, basket):
Test if a valid shipping method is stored in the session
return self.shipping_method_code(basket) is not None
# Billing address fields
# ======================
# There are 3 common options:
# 1. Billing address is entered manually through a form
# 2. Billing address is selected from address book
# 3. Billing address is the same as the shipping address
[docs] def bill_to_new_address(self, address_fields):
Store address fields for a billing address.
self._unset("billing", "new_address_fields")
phone_number = address_fields.get("phone_number")
if phone_number and isinstance(phone_number, PhoneNumber):
# Phone number is stored as a PhoneNumber instance. As we store
# strings in the session, we need to serialize it.
address_fields = address_fields.copy()
address_fields["phone_number"] = phone_number.as_international
self._set("billing", "new_address_fields", address_fields)
[docs] def bill_to_user_address(self, address):
Set an address from a user's address book as the billing address
:address: The address object
self._set("billing", "user_address_id",
[docs] def bill_to_shipping_address(self):
Record fact that the billing address is to be the same as
the shipping address.
self._set("billing", "billing_address_same_as_shipping", True)
# Legacy method name
billing_address_same_as_shipping = bill_to_shipping_address
def is_billing_address_same_as_shipping(self):
return self._get("billing", "billing_address_same_as_shipping", False)
[docs] def billing_user_address_id(self):
Return the ID of the user address being used for billing
return self._get("billing", "user_address_id")
[docs] def new_billing_address_fields(self):
Return fields for a billing address
return self._get("billing", "new_address_fields")
[docs] def is_billing_address_set(self):
Test whether a billing address has been stored in the session.
This can be from a new address or re-using an existing address.
if self.is_billing_address_same_as_shipping():
return True
new_fields = self.new_billing_address_fields()
has_new_address = new_fields is not None
user_address_id = self.billing_user_address_id()
has_old_address = user_address_id is not None and user_address_id > 0
return has_new_address or has_old_address
# Payment methods
# ===============
def pay_by(self, method):
self._set("payment", "method", method)
def payment_method(self):
return self._get("payment", "method")
# Submission methods
# ==================
def set_order_number(self, order_number):
self._set("submission", "order_number", order_number)
def get_order_number(self):
return self._get("submission", "order_number")
def set_submitted_basket(self, basket):
self._set("submission", "basket_id",
def get_submitted_basket_id(self):
return self._get("submission", "basket_id")