How to integrate payment

Oscar is designed to be very flexible around payment. It supports paying for an order with multiple payment sources and settling these sources at different times.


The payment app provides several models to track payments:

  • SourceType - This is the type of payment source used (e.g. PayPal, DataCash). As part of setting up a new Oscar site you would create a SourceType for each of the payment gateways you are using.

  • Source - A source of payment for a single order. This tracks how an order was paid for. The source object distinguishes between allocations, debits and refunds to allow for two-phase payment model. When an order is paid for by multiple methods, you create multiple sources for the order.

  • Transaction - A transaction against a source. These models provide better audit for all the individual transactions associated with an order.


Consider a simple situation where all orders are paid for by PayPal using their ‘SALE’ mode where the money is settled immediately (one-phase payment model). The project would have a ‘PayPal’ SourceType and, for each order, create a new Source instance where the amount_debited would be the order total. A Transaction model with txn_type=Transaction.DEBIT would normally also be created (although this is optional).

This situation is implemented within the sandbox site for the django-oscar-paypal extension. Please use that as a reference.

See also the sandbox for django-oscar-datacash which follows a similar pattern.

Integration into checkout

By default, Oscar’s checkout does not provide any payment integration as it is domain-specific. However, the core checkout classes provide methods for communicating with payment gateways and creating the appropriate payment models.

Payment logic is normally implemented by using a customised version of PaymentDetailsView, where the handle_payment method is overridden. This method will be given the order number and order total plus any custom keyword arguments initially passed to submit (as payment_kwargs). If payment is successful, then nothing needs to be returned. However, Oscar defines a few common exceptions which can occur:

  • oscar.apps.payment.exceptions.RedirectRequired For payment integrations that require redirecting the user to a 3rd-party site. This exception class has a url attribute that needs to be set.

  • oscar.apps.payment.exceptions.UnableToTakePayment For anticipated payment problems such as invalid bankcard number, not enough funds in account - that kind of thing.

  • oscar.apps.payment.exceptions.UserCancelled During many payment flows, the user is able to cancel the process. This should often be treated differently from a payment error, e.g. it might not be appropriate to offer to retry the payment.

  • oscar.apps.payment.exceptions.PaymentError For unanticipated payment errors such as the payment gateway not responding or being badly configured.

When payment has completed, there’s a few things to do:

  • Create the appropriate oscar.apps.payment.models.Source instance and pass it to add_payment_source. The instance is passed unsaved as it requires a valid order instance to foreign key to. Once the order is placed (and an order instance is created), the payment source instances will be saved.

  • Record a ‘payment event’ so your application can track which lines have been paid for. The add_payment_event method assumes all lines are paid for by the passed event type, as this is the normal situation when placing an order. Note that payment events don’t distinguish between different sources.

For example:

from oscar.apps.checkout import views
from oscar.apps.payment import models

# Subclass the core Oscar view so we can customise
class PaymentDetailsView(views.PaymentDetailsView):

    def handle_payment(self, order_number, total, **kwargs):
        # Talk to payment gateway.  If unsuccessful/error, raise a
        # PaymentError exception which we allow to percolate up to be caught
        # and handled by the core PaymentDetailsView.
        reference = gateway.pre_auth(order_number, total.incl_tax, kwargs['bankcard'])

        # Payment successful! Record payment source
        source_type, __ = models.SourceType.objects.get_or_create(
        source = models.Source(

        # Record payment event
        self.add_payment_event('pre-auth', total.incl_tax)

Integrate `cash on delivery`

With cash-on-delivery, there is no need to handle payment in PaymentDetailsView. So you can just redirect from PaymentMethodView to preview, when ‘cash-on-delivery’ is selected:

Add PaymentSourceType “Cash on delivery”:

$ ./ shell
from oscar.core.loading import get_model
SourceType = get_model('payment', 'SourceType')
SourceType.objects.create(name='Cash on delivery')

Subclass `PaymentMethodView` to redirect to preview

from django.shortcuts import redirect
from django.urls import reverse
from oscar.apps.checkout import views

class PaymentMethodView(views.PaymentMethodView):

    def form_valid(self, form):
        redirect to preview if payment_method == cash-on-delivery
        payment_method = form.cleaned_data["payment_method"]
        if payment_method.code == 'cash-on-delivery':
            return redirect(reverse("checkout:preview"))
        return super().form_valid(form)